“Good Design is Long-Lasting.”

- Dieter Rams

My Design Process

My design process is informed by Design Thinking and IDEO Mindsets. While I may not spend as much time on each stage as I would like, I believe all phases are important. The process is also non-linear. Working in teams requires the adaptability to switch back and forth between stages as needed.



Good design starts by understanding the people whose problems you are trying to solve. I seek to understand the context around users, their problems, and all of the factors that impact their experience of a product.


The most innovative ideas fail if they don’t solve the right problem for your users. I think it’s crucial that teams agree on what problems are most important.


Once you understand your users and their problem, explore solutions! I explore as many solutions as time will allow in an effort to find the best ones and test them out.



Make your designs! Sketches, wireframes, mockups – I like to make ideas tangible to better understand their implications and to put them out in the real world to test.


Humans will always surprise you. I like to test ideas early and often because it saves resources and ultimately creates a better solution and experience.

Case Studies

Case Studies are password protected. Request access [here].

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STAND 8 Rebrand

Stand 8 is an IT Services company based in Los Angeles, CA. I helped the company rethink, rebrand, and rebuild its website and services for maximum growth.

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Varsity Cinemas

Designed Varsity Cinemas eCommerce Mobile App. Exploring solutions through research, sketches, wireframes, and prototypes I was able to optimize a critical part of the business.

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Basement Theatre

The Basement Theatre is Comedy Theatre in ATL, GA. I leveraged Design Thinking to define the problem, generate ideas, and prototype solutions to increase ticket sales and revenue.


Contact Me.

I love connecting with people. If you have questions about my work and experience please reach out!